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How To Start Your Own Online Store In 5 Minutes

Have you ever thought about starting your own online store? do you have ideas on products to sell? if so, your next best step is to use an online store creator to set up a free online store. With a good online store builder, you can get a free E-commerce website going in a matter of minutes. Too good to be true? not really. Read on to see how it works.

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Pick An Online Store Creator

An online store creator is an application that allows you to create your own online store. No coding, no back-and-forth, no fuss. if you have a website, you can use the creator to connect it to your online store. On a platform like Windo, you can get free access to a variety of storefronts, themes, and payment and shipping options. So you can set up a free online store (and even connect your Instagram shop) without spending a dime.

Determine Your Price Points

If your prices are below your competition’s, you will not be able to maintain a profit margin. On the contrary, pricing yourself too high will only put off customers. Finding the right price point can be tricky, but it is important to do your research before establishing a price.

Decide Your Shipping Methods

This is a big decision. If your product is voluminous, it might be impractical to ship it to far-ranging geographies, simply because of customs duties and import costs. Before you decide on a shipping method, consider the tradeoff between cost and reach. By restricting your shipping to a certain catchment area, for example, you might cut off a large section of your market.

Configure Your Online Payments

Offering your customer’s payment flexibility can empower them to shop freely on your website. If you already have an account with certain payment gateways, be sure to link them to your shop. This way, you can look forward to seamless transactions without registering your bank details all over again.

Add Product Descriptions

A product description is most beneficial if it includes instructions on how the product works. It’s important, therefore, to include information on the product’s physicality, usage, and care.

Update Your Online Inventory

A lot of businesses use software to track their online inventory. And for good reason. Maintaining accurate inventory levels can help you keep your website up-to-date and fulfill orders on time.

With Windo, you can open an E-commerce shop in the same amount of time it takes to down your morning cuppa. A beverage and a business: the perfect way to start your morning.

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